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Benchmarking is a key mechanism to obtain fair-market assurance on the solution, cost, quality, and/or terms of engagement with third-party or inhouse sourcing models. It is baked-in as an intervention point in almost all third-party contracts and inhouse shared services governance.

Despite the importance of benchmarking in the shifting sands of technology, talent, and terms, it is the most marginalized agenda–undertaken almost as a check-box item with barely any rigor given to proofing the efficacy of the benchmarks.

Unlike any other benchmarking offering in the IT, Business Process, or Global

Our benchmarking capability is a seamless extension of Advisory. We are the only advisory firm that does not house it under a research back-office.

Capability Center landscape, HEX benchmarks are solely mined from actual transactions by senior sourcing advisors. Therefore, you are armed with practical benchmark intelligence and advisory leverage on your side, not theoretical vaporware.