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Financial Engineering in Outsourcing Deals

Financial Engineering Mechanisms are now more important than ever.

With the increasing need for contractual and financial flexibility, financial engineering has become more important than ever in outsourcing contracts structuring. In our experience, winning bids reflect flexibility to align with buyer motivation.

Typical buyer considerations could include:

  • Avoid upfront surge in expense
  • Consistent spend or cost savings over the deal term
  • Risk sharing by service provider till end of deal term

Financial Engineering in Outsourcing Deals

Financial Engineering Mechanisms are now more important than ever.

With the increasing need for contractual and financial flexibility, financial engineering has become more important than ever in outsourcing contracts structuring. In our experience, winning bids reflect flexibility to align with buyer motivation.

Typical buyer considerations could include:

  • Avoid upfront surge in expense
  • Consistent spend or cost savings over the deal term
  • Risk sharing by service provider till end of deal term

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